Balanced Portfolio

Dover’s balanced portfolio invests in stocks we feel will appreciate in value and bonds we feel will provide a generous income source for our clients. Utilizing one of Dover’s three Equity Disciplines for stock holdings, fixed-income holdings must also meet quality and liquidity qualifications. Tax-free bonds are used when appropriate.



Source: Nelson’s Directory




 Dover Offers 3 Different Balanced Portfolios With Varying Target Asset Allocations:

Balanced (B)
Holding stocks for capital appreciation potential and fixed income securities for their more assured income, this type of portfolio helps investors achieve their investment goals while taking less risk due to the allocation in both stocks and bonds.

Balanced Aggressive (BA)
This portfolio provides a greater potential for higher returns due to its larger proportion of stock holdings. Your bond issues provide more assured income streams to your account.

Balanced Conservative (BC)
Holding a lesser portion of stocks than a regular Balanced account, this portfolio is for the more conservative and risk-averse investor.